Pre-exchange timeline


A short timeline of pre-exchange ⏳


  • April: read past engineering exchange reports and message random people who have gone before to EPFL :eyes:
  • August: gets waterloo email, so obviously email engineering exchange office to ask about exchange 😆


  • September 14: attend online Go Abroad session
  • October: STRESS lots of emailing/waiting on responses, also figured out proposed study plan and where to go
  • November 1: submit Waterloo Passport application
  • waiting ...
  • November 19: first false alarm- email from study abroad is to confirm intention of a 2-term exchange
  • November 25: second false alarm- email from study abroad is to confirm some information regarding second choice school
  • November 30: correct email now 😎 matched with EPFL! Was working on a lab in E7.
  • some calm now


  • January 10: deadline to accept match
  • more waiting ...
  • March 4: email from Study Abroad on next steps
  • March 7: email from EPFL on next steps (you are currently a “nominated student”, they have not officially accepted you yet)
  • who knows if we will get guaranteed housing?
  • April 15: deadline to submit EPFL registration to EPFL
  • May 18: official acceptance letter from EPFL for the exchange, more steps to take (including visa application!)
  • May 24: mailed visa application to Swiss Consulate in Montreal
  • June 1: email confirmation that Swiss Consulate received visa application
  • June 10: gets guaranteed housing woooooo! Email from FMEL, the organization that does student housing in Lausanne. Note: housing in general is guaranteed, but where you will be placed is not, you submit a preference form
  • has the visa been approved yet??
  • June 24: email the population office in Vaud (canton that I will be in)
  • June 27: turns out it was already approved :thinking: “En effet, votre visa a été approuvé.”
  • June 30: send passport to Swiss Consulate in Montreal
  • of course, I do this over a long weekend- Canada Day
  • July 4: passport arrives at Consulate
  • July 7: passport arrives back to me, but now with a visa 😎! (super fast)
  • July 13: email confirmation from FMEL of where I will be staying
  • July 19: email confirmation of French intensive course enrollment (for exchange students to EPFL) - this course is not required, but is offered for free to exchange students
  • July 21: enrolled in Safety Abroad course on LEARN
  • realized I need to inform OHIP that I am out of country for more than 212 days
  • July 22: visit Service Ontario to get OHIP coverage extended while away (actually visited two, because the first one did not do extensions at that office)
  • July 24: booked flight tickets, price happened to drop when I happened to check (God’s impeccable timing)
  • buying some stuff that might need abroad
  • exams too
  • more exams

As of publishing this post, we are still in exam season 😢 two more to go!

In theory though, last exam is on the 12th, I will move back home from Waterloo on the same day, do some lots of packing, and then fly out a couple days later. When? That is for another post 😉

to be continued... :pencil2: