Pre-flight thoughts


some thoughts and questions from pre-exchange me πŸ’­

It is still hard to believe this is actually happening, especially since school has been super busy this term (more on the 2B term to come in a later post.) As a result, there has not been as much time for me to think about it.

Right after exams, I started to pack to return home, which took a lot longer than anticipated, then after returning home it was packing for the next two days or so. So actually with this post, my brain is a bit tired πŸ˜…

Instead of writing some lengthy thoughts (maybe we can leave that for another time), here are some questions I have (in no particular order):

  • What to do if craving particular foods that may not exist there (rip hk cafe)
  • Also, no Tim Horton’s anymore??
  • What will it be like to not have a fellowship at the university/what will it be like outside of a CCF bubble?
  • Also, what would it look like to depend and grow with a local church?
  • What is the environment like in Switzerland when it comes to religion? What does evangelism look like there?
  • How will I meet people, and who will I meet?
  • The schooling system is different; what will it be like? (Hopefully no ECE 350 type labs haha, ECE 252 was already quite bad)
  • How will I deal with homesickness?
  • Where will God lead me?
  • What might I learn about the people, their culture and environment when I am abroad? What might I enjoy? What might I dislike?
  • I wonder if I will get to travel around (on a friendly enough budget)
  • How will I balance between still maintaining relationships I have made back home without being physically present during the year?
  • What might I learn about my field of study, that I did not consider/would not even have thought of if I did not go abroad?
  • How will I adjust to a different environment?

Lots of questions, not many answers (or any for that matter). One of the big themes looking forward has been uncertainty, since there is a lot that you cannot plan or predict in advance. We just have to trust in God and His plan, whatever that may be!

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. (Psalm 37:5)

I am boarding soon, so see you on the other side! :pencil2: